Accessible by land or air through the western Ethiopian town of Gambela, remains a place of adventure and challenge. Traveling across the undulating plains of high Sudanese grass, visitors can enjoy a sense of achievement in simply finding their way around. This is Ethiopia’s true tropical zone and here are found all the elements of the African safari, enhanced by a distinctly Ethiopian flavor Nile perch weighing too kilos can be caught in the waters of Baro, snatched from the jaws of the huge crocodiles that thrive along the riverbank,
The white-eared kob also haunts the Baro along with other riverbank residents that include the Nile lechwe, buffalo, giraffe, tiang, waterbuck roan antelope, zebra, bushbuck, roan antelope. Abyssinian reedbuck, warthog, hartebeest, lion elephant and hippopotamus.